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English Grammar Subject Verb Agreement

Here are some of English Grammar subject verb agreement  which help you to understand the complete agrees of verb and subject.

A)     A verb agrees with its subject in number. If the subject is singular, the verb takes the singular form. If the subject is in plural form, in that case verb takes the plural appearance.
For Instance:-
i)                    The girl is clever.
ii)                   The Girls are Clever.
You can see in the first sentence (girl) is singular, and in the second sentence subject (girls) is plural and also successive amend in the verbs also.

B)      It may be noted that a verb agrees with its subject in person also. The person also. The person of the verb is same as the person of subject.
For Instance:-
i)                    I write a letter.
ii)                   He writes a letter.
It may be noted in the above two sentences that ‘I’ and ‘He’ are singular in number but ‘I’ is first person pronoun and ‘He’ is a third person pronoun and therefore the changes in the verb.

C)      A verb agrees in the number and person with the subject and not with a noun nearest to it.
Such as:-
The quality of these apples is good. (Not, are good’) 

D)     When two or more singular subjects are joined by ‘and’, they take plural verb.
For Example-
i)                    John and Micheal are class fellows.
ii)                   Cow and horse are domestic animals.

E)      When nouns refer to the same person, or a thing, the verb is in a singular number.
i)                    The principal and my teacher is coming.
ii)                   The headclerk and cashier is busy.

Please note that the article ‘The’ is not written with the second noun.
F)      Two subjects joined by ‘and’ state a on its own idea, the verb is in singular form, as:-
i)                    Food and shelter is our urgent demand.

G)     Subjects joined with “as well as”  with verb agrees in number and person with the first subject  as
i)                    The principal as well as the numbers of staff has arrived.

English Grammar Subject Verb Agreement English Grammar Subject Verb Agreement Reviewed by Ajeet Singh on 00:20 Rating: 5
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