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Types of Prepositions in English Grammar

As we know that in English grammar contain many ways that improves our writing skills, Preposition is one among that which helps us to improve our writing skills. 

A preposition is a word placed before a noun or pronoun to show in what relation the person or thing denoted by it stands in regard to something else.

(The word preposition means ‘that which is placed before’)
i)                    He apologized signs of greatness.(greatness is related to a noun signs)
ii)                   He is fond of tea. (relation between the adjective fond and tea)

 Type of prepositions in English Grammar
1)      Simple Preposition:- Simple prepositions always comprise one word: In, off, on, of, up, with, at, by, under, through, till, round, past, over, from, down after etc.

2)      Compound or Phrase preposition:- Compound preposition comprise group of words: according to, apart from, out of, without, within, outside, in course of, with regard to, with agreeable to, with a view to, for the sake of etc.

3)      Double Preposition:- Outside of, out of, from out, from behind, from beneath, from under, from within etc.

4)      Participle Preposition:- Notwithstanding, concerning, pending, considering, during, excepting, excluding, including, regarding, respecting, saving etc.

Special Preposition:-
Than:- This word is usually a conjunction, but is sometimes used as  a prepositions as
I can’t accept less than fifty rupees for this article.
But:- But is also a conjunction as a rule. When used is a preposition ‘but’ means ‘except’, with the exception of:
i)                    All but (except) one fulfilled their promise.
ii)                   What can he do but die?
iii)                 All is lost but honour.
‘But’ may also be an adverb:- Man needs but (only) little here below.
In the following sentences the is a weakened from of the preposition:-
Her wages are sixty paise a day.
I meet him once a week.
The house is a building.
Types of Prepositions in English Grammar Types of Prepositions in English Grammar Reviewed by Ajeet Singh on 05:07 Rating: 5
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