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Types of Noun in English Grammar

As we know that there are five types of noun. I am sharing here the complete types of noun in English Grammar.

1)      Proper Noun:-
Proper noun is the kind of noun, which is define as, the name of particular person or a place as Steve, Shimla, Peter etc. Proper means one’s own. Hence a proper noun is a person’s name. This noun always start with capital letter.
Examples of Proper noun:-
i)                    Steve was born on Tuesday.
ii)                   Sachin Tendulkar is a good cricket player.
iii)                 Paris is the capital of France.
In the given sentences ‘Steve’ is the name of particular boy; ‘Tuesday’ is the name of particular day; ‘Sachin Tendulkar’ is the name of a particular person; ‘France’ is the name of particular country. So all these are proper nouns.

2)      Common Noun:-
A common noun is a name given in common to every person, place, or thing of the kind or class. Common here means shared by all. A common noun is abstract when it names anything intangible, such as; a quality, action, condition or idea as truth, illness, justice, hardness. A Common Noun is concrete. When it names anything tangible, anything which may perceived by the senses, heard, touched, smelt or tasted as: book, carrot, rain, boat, cow, bench, knife, chair etc.
Some more examples of common nouns are:-
i)        The boys are playing cricket.
ii)       Students are studying in the classroom.
iii)     Water is useful for health.
iv)     My umbrella is very costly.
In the above sentences ‘cricket’, ‘classroom’, ‘water’, and ‘Umbrella’ are common nouns.

3)      Collective Noun: - Collective noun denotes a collection of person or things one whole as class, army, team, nation. It usually use with singular verbs.

i)                    Our team won the match.
ii)                   A crowd gathered there.
iii)                 I am the monitor of my class.
iv)                 Two players of our team have died.
In these sentences team, crowd, class, and team are collective nouns.

4)      Material Noun:- Material noun denotes a substance of which things are made, such as paper, iron, silver, wood, glass, cotton.
i)                    Brass is yellow.
ii)                   My ring is made of Gold.
iii)                 Copper is useful metal.
In the given sentences Brass, Gold and Copper are material nouns.

5)      Abstract Noun:- Abstract noun denotes a quality, state or action, such as :- honesty, wisdom, truth, youth, old age, sickness, laughter, dream.
Example of Abstract noun:-
i)                    Beauty is only nine day’s wonder.
ii)                   Laughter is the best medicine.
iii)                 Poverty is greatest curse.
Here Beauty, Laughter and Poverty are the abstract nouns.
Types of Noun in English Grammar Types of Noun in English Grammar Reviewed by Ajeet Singh on 22:35 Rating: 5
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