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Types of Adverbs in English Grammar

Adverbs are the words that modify a verb, an adjective or another adverb, a phrase, and even a whole clause or sentence.

Adverb contains many types. Here are the types of adverbs in English Grammar.

1)      Simple Adverb
2)      Interrogative Adverb
3)      Relative Conjunctive Adverb

1)      Simple Adverb:-
Simple adverbs are of following kinds:
i)                    Adverbs of time:- Adverb of time show when the action took place like;
Now, then, before, after, yet, still, soon, immediately, late, early, once, today, tomorrow, shortly etc.
a)      He came back tomorrow.
b)      Wasted time never returns.

ii)                   Adverbs of Place:- This type of adverbs show where the action took place like;,
Here, there, within, without, above, somewhere, away, below, inside, outside etc.
a)      Peter is in the room.
b)      Steve works a coal mine.

iii)                 Adverbs of Manner:- This type of adverbs show how or in what manner; like
Slowly, quickly, badly, nicely, till, thus etc.
a)      He is well dressed.
b)      I see everything clearly now.

iv)                 Adverbs of Number:-  Which shows numbers like;
Firstly, twice, once, thrice, often, always

v)                  Adverbs of degree or Quantity:- Adverbs of degree or Quantity show how much or in what degree or to what extant like;
Very, much, too, quite, partly, little, less, more, enough etc.

a)      I am strong enough to meet your challenge.
b)      You are altogether mistaken in this.

vi)                 Adverbs of affirmative and negative:-  Yes, no, certainly,  perhaps, indeed, little, almost, not, nay, by all means.

2)      Interrogative Adverbs: - Interrogative adverbs are used  in asking questions. These adverbs also show, place, time, number, manner, quantity, and cause. These adverbs are :- When, why, where, how and what.
a)      How many students in your class?
b)      Did he tell you where he lived?
c)       I told him why I was late?
Types of Adverbs in English Grammar Types of Adverbs in English Grammar Reviewed by Ajeet Singh on 01:18 Rating: 5
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